British Museum Bill

A bill to make provisions for the return of artefacts to the place of origin, and to vest necessary authority to the Trustees of the British Museum to make such returns, and for connected purposes.
Bill ID B062
Author(s) The Rt Hon Sir Gorban Smiljić OOBC MP
Amended by N/A
First reading 2021 February 13
Royal assent TBC
Commencement TBC
Affected legislation British Museum Act 1963

Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1 Amendments to Existing Acts

In the British Museum Act 1963, Section 5, Subsection (1), insert new clause (c) after clause (b) as follows and rename following clauses: -

“the country of origin of the object has requested the return of the object, and that it is in the opinion of the Trustees that the country of origin has taken appropriate measures to ensure the safe transfer and storage of the object and that the country of origin has a good human rights record, or”

2 Short Title, Commencement, and Extent

  1. This Act can be cited as the British Museum Act 2021
  2. This Act comes into force on the passing of this Act.
  3. This Act extends to the entirety of the UK.