National Representation Bill

A bill to provide representation in Parliament to residents of British Overseas Territories and Crown Colonies.
Bill IDLB031
Author(s) The Rt Hon Rake Wricliffe, 1st Baron Wiffleston
First reading2021-10-03
Affected legislation N/A


2021-10-03 First reading No divisions available for this stage


2021-10-03 As submitted Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows

Section 1

  1. This act will seek to provide national representation for all British subjects.
  2. This act will place the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories under existing constituencies or in a special “Overseas Constituency” depending on the circumstance of the election and the will of the Speaker.
  3. The Crown Dependencies will be placed into constituencies as follows: Jersey and Guernsey will be placed in the Southern England Constituency, the Isle of Man will be placed in the Northern England Constituency.
  4. As the most cosmopolitan region, the British Overseas Territories will be placed in the Constituency of London.

Section 2

  1. The Dependencies and Overseas Territories shall retain their current level of devolution outside of receiving national representation.

Section 3

  1. This act will come into effect upon passage.
  2. This act can be referred to as “The National Representation Act of 2021” or “The National Representation Act”
  3. This bill extends to the United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies, and British Overseas Territories